Various actors are responsible for conducting NRP 76.
The Steering Committee is responsible for running the programme - from selecting projects to scientific quality assurance and producing a synthesis at the end of the programme.
The programme manager and the president of the Steering Committee are responsible for the operational management. The head of knowledge transfer is responsible for communicating the research results to target audiences. The representative of the federal administration will work with the Steering Committee and communicate results to the administration.
The National Research Council of the SNSF is ultimately responsible for the NRP. The delegate of the Research Council acts as a link between the Research Council and the Steering Committee.
Members of the Steering Committee
- Prof. Alexander Grob, Personality and Developmental Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Basel (President)
- Prof. Vincent Barras, Institut des humanités en médecine, CHUV et Faculté de biologie et médecine, University of Lausanne
- Prof. Monika Bobbert, Seminar für Moraltheologie, Catholic theological faculty, University of Münster
- Dr Urs Germann, Institute for the History of Medicine, University of Bern (as of 1.1.2021)
- Prof. em. Christoph Häfeli, expert in child and adult protection
- Prof. René Knüsel, Institute of Social Sciences, Life Course and Social Inequality Research Centre, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne
- Prof. Martin Lengwiler, Departement of History, Philosophical-Historic Faculty, University of Basel, vice president UEK “Administrative Versorgung“ (as of 1.1.2021 ad hoc member)
- Prof. Alexandra Jungo, Civil Law, Faculty of Law, University of Fribourg
- Prof. em. Dr. Annegret Wigger, Institute of Social Work, OST – Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences
Delegate of the Programmes division of the National Research Council
- Prof. Dr. Mira Burri, Chair for International Economic and Internet Law, Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne, Switzerland (as of 1.1.2022)
- Prof. Dr. Regina Aebi-Müller, Private Law and Comparative Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne, Switzerland (until 31.12.2021)
Representative of the Swiss Federal Administration
- Prof. emeritus Luzius Mader, former Deputy Director Federal Office of Justice, Delegate for victims of coercive measures and roundtable moderator
Head of Knowledge Transfer
- Dominik Büchel, advocacy ag, communication and consulting, Basel
Programme Manager
- Dr Stephanie Schönholzer, Swiss National Science Foundation, Bern