Interventions and Pathways in Life

​This module investigates the consequences of measures taken within the tension field between welfare and coercion. Irrespective of the design of structures, enforcement and supervision, such measures can have different consequences: Some persons concerned might see themselves as having been at the mercy of the public authorities; whereas others might have been able to express their point of view actively in proceedings. If, within the scope of measures taken to combat poverty, self-determination and personal rights are not paid sufficient attention, this can have adverse consequences - on education, social and professional integration as well as livelihood security - thus defining the paths of lives up until an advanced age. Moreover, the social environment as well as future generations will also be impacted.

Ongoing research projects

Adolescents in care: life trajectories External Link Icon

Adolescents in care: life trajectories

Prof. Dr. Markus Furrer, Prof. Dr. Anne-Françoise Praz

Adoption in forced situations: On the history of national and international adoptions in Switzerland from the 1960s to the present day External Link Icon

Adoption in forced situations: On the history of national and international adoptions in Switzerland from the 1960s to the present day

Dr. Susanne Businger

Child Placements in Switzerland: Victim Narratives and Memory Work External Link Icon

Child Placements in Switzerland: Victim Narratives and Memory Work

Prof. Dr. Véronique Mottier

Communicative practices in the establishment of guardian- or deputyship External Link Icon

Communicative practices in the establishment of guardian- or deputyship

Prof. Gabriela Antener

Fatal care: Violent deaths of children in out-of-home care External Link Icon

Fatal care: Violent deaths of children in out-of-home care

Dr. Paula Krüger

From generation to generation: Family narratives within the context of welfare and coercion External Link Icon

From generation to generation: Family narratives within the context of welfare and coercion

Dr. phil. Andrea Abraham

How do children and parents experience child protection? External Link Icon

How do children and parents experience child protection?

Prof. Dr. Michelle Cottier, Prof. Dr. Kay Biesel, Prof. Dr. Philip D. Jaffé, Prof. Dr. Stefan Schnurr

Institutional placement of infants – life stories 60 years later External Link Icon

Institutional placement of infants – life stories 60 years later

Dr. Patricia Lannen, Dr. Heidi Simoni, Prof. Dr. Oskar Jenni

Laboratories for professionalization? Associations and the coordination in the social welfare sector in Switzerland. External Link Icon

Laboratories for professionalization? Associations and the coordination in the social welfare sector in Switzerland.

Prof. Dr. Gisela Hauss

The home as a site of state intervention External Link Icon

The home as a site of state intervention

Dr. Martina Koch, Prof. Dr. Esteban Piñeiro

Variability in responses to early-life adversity and their consequences on aging External Link Icon

Variability in responses to early-life adversity and their consequences on aging

Dr. Myriam V. Thoma, Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Maercker

Welfare practices for the disabled: Between recognition and disregard External Link Icon

Welfare practices for the disabled: Between recognition and disregard

Prof. Dr. Carlo Wolfisberg, Prof. Dr. Susanne Schriber