Findings and takeaways from NRP 76 for use in practice

The latest special issue of the Zeitschrift für Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutz on NRP 76 presents the findings and takeaways from nine selected research projects that are closely related to child and adult protection legislation.

The journal Zeitschrift für Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutz is an important and recognised platform for issues relating to child and adult protection. It is published six times a year and provides information for affected and interested professionals in administration, the judiciary and private organisations about scientific findings, court rulings and practical insights. The latest special issue (06/2024) on NRP 76 contains the following articles written by NRP 76 researchers (original titles are in French and German):

  • The home as a site of state intervention. Home visits in the context of investigations in child and adult protection
  • How do children and parents experience child protection and what lessons can we learn for child protection procedures?
  • Family and gender images in child protection. Factors influencing the professional handling of child neglect
  • Communication between authorities and people living with disabilities. Recommendations for shaping participation in adult protection processes
  • Financing of placements. Steering, professionalisation and incentive structures
  • Fostering self-determination in adult protection. Findings from the research project “Preserving and Encouraging Self-Determination in Adult Protection”
  • Access to justice and effective solutions for “placed” children in Switzerland. A study on the conformity of Swiss law and practice with international standards
  • Transgenerational consequences of welfare and coercion. Study results and implications for professional action in the present day
  • Resilience factors of public organisations, taking the CAPA as an example. Organisational structure, cooperation and professionalisation