Initial results of NRP 76 available in three books

© NFP 76

Three books with the results of the NRP 76 research projects have recently been published in German and French. They are available as printed editions and can be downloaded free of charge.

The results of NRP 76 are presented in three thematic volumes - both available in German and French. The volumes have been published by Schwabe Verlag and are now available as printed editions and eBooks (open access).

The volumes each feature 11 contributions from NRP 76 researchers. The first volume deals with norms and practices over time. The second volume focuses on structures and actors, while the third volume centres on decisions made by authorities and their impact on life paths.

Volume 1 (German)

Zwischen Schutz und Zwang
Normen und Praktiken im Wandel der Zeit
Herausgebende: Christoph Häfeli, Martin Lengwiler, Margot Vogel Campanello

Volume 1 (French)

Entre protection et coercition
Normes et pratiques au fil du temps
Editeur·rice·s: Christoph Häfeli, Martin Lengwiler, Margot Vogel Campanello

Volume 2 (German)

Diffuse Verantwortlichkeiten
Strukturen, Akteur:innen und Bewährungsproben
Herausgebende: Vincent Barras, Alexandra Jungo, Fritz Sager

Volume 2 (French)

Responsabilités brouillées
Structures, intervenant·es et mises à l’épreuve
Editeur·rice·s: Vincent Barras, Alexandra Jungo, Fritz Sager

Volume 3 (German)

Schicksale der Fremdplatzierung
Behördenentscheidungen und Auswirkungen auf den Lebenslauf
Herausgebende: René Knüsel, Alexander Grob, Véronique Mottier

Volume 3 (French)

Placements et destinée
Décisions des autorités et conséquences sur les parcours de vie
Editeur·rice·s: René Knüsel, Alexander Grob, Véronique Mottier

In May 2024, NRP 76 will also present a synthesis with summarised results and impulses for policy and practice as a final publication. The publication will be presented to the media and finally to the public at the final conference on 24 May 2024 at the Gurten in Bern.